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Can I Epoxy This?

Can I Epoxy This?

Posted by Cory Huspek on Dec 1st 2021

What Can and Can't You Put Epoxy On?

One of the most common questions I receive is, “Can I epoxy this?” And more often than not, my answer is a resounding YES!

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Most people think epoxy can only be poured over wood or canvas, but our epoxies can be used to overcoat a variety of substrates.

Our customers have successfully used MAS Epoxies to coat stone, tile, laminate, polyester, and a variety of metals. Proper surface prep is key to getting a good bond. Prepping the surface typically includes scuff sanding, clearing away the sanding debris, and wiping down the surface with an oil-free solvent like denatured alcohol or acetone. When bonding to metals, the surface must be bright and free of oxidation; degreasing, followed by abrading, then degreasing again with an oil-free solvent will improve your bond.

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Annie from @anniesartstudio pouring epoxy onto an aluminum sheet.

Click here for a list of common tips and techniques about MAS Table Top Pro's application process.

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Table Top Pro Epoxy for epoxy resin table

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Litoris' from @litorispictor beautiful ocean epoxy pour on top of glass.

For some projects you may want to color your epoxy before pouring to hide the abraded surface underneath. We have seen people overcoat tile with no abrasion as the epoxy bonds enough to the grout to prevent delamination. We have had a lot of customers ask if they could pour over glass which we have yet to try, but we certainly don’t see why not.

There are some things epoxy does not bond well to.

The main one being thermoplastics. Thermosets and thermoplastics don’t bond well together, and epoxy being a thermoset it can be tricky to get it to stick to any thermo plastic. Abrading then “flaming” the surface with a propane torch can help.

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For marine applications, epoxy bonds well to aged polyester.

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Again, surface prep is key. The same process of abrading, clearing the debris, and wiping down with an oil-free solvent, followed by letting the sanded area dry for 30+ minutes.

For more information, here are some helpful downloadable PDFs.

“When in doubt, try it out.”

Every project is unique. My favorite thing to tell people is, “When in doubt, try it out.” Run a small-scale test using a scrap piece of what you plan to pour on. Come back 24 hours later and see if it made a good bond. We have a great video showing the “crosshatch test” that’s useful when using oil-based stains on wood. We see new creative projects from our users every day. Take your wild idea and make it a reality, then share it with us so we can share it with the world.

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