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A Year In Review

A Year In Review

Posted by BigCommerce on Dec 31st 2020

My Favorite Event of 2020

Hello there! My name is Kelly Johnson, and I am the Content Creation Specialist here at MAS Epoxies. As you will probably agree, this year has been one heck of a doozy, but let’s rewind back to the beginning of January and take a look at my favorite event of 2020! Be warned though, what happens in Minnesota stays in Minnesota, so I can’t spill all of the juicy details…I’ll save that for the next blog!

Sculpted Panel Workshop

In January 2020 I was not yet a part of the MAS Epoxies’ team, but I was an artist who absolutely loved MAS Epoxies’ resin. I was lucky enough to be invited out to Minnesota with two other amazing artists (Roni Langleyand Hailey Nolin) to participate in a five-day workshop to explore new ways to create functional art with epoxy and Sculpted Panels. We spent most of our time at the Wood from The Hood workshop where the three of us artists created over 20 pieces of art, ranging from a full-sized standing mirror all the way down to ocean themed coaster sets! It was such an amazing experience to work with talented artists, using products that we loved, and creating in a workspace that was equipped with anything we needed!

Giving Back

While in Saint Paul, MN, we also had the incredible opportunity to help support a local foundation called Feed My Starving Children. That night, with the help of many other volunteers, we were able to pack 24,960 meals that would feed 68 kids for a year. We were so happy to help an amazing foundation and had a ton of fun while doing it!

Supporting the Maker Community

This trip was not only educational, fun, and inspiring, but it also introduced me to two very special women from the maker community. Fast forward to present day, I am so happy that I get to call Hailey and Roni my friends AND co-hosts! Along with the incredibly talented Annie Morcos, the four of us artists created a Live show called The Maker Meetup, sponsored by MAS Epoxies! Our mission with this show, is to create a place for The Maker community. MAS Epoxies, with the help of social media, brought each of us together, and we quickly realized the benefits of encouraging and lifting each other up. Our goal is to bring that community-based creativity to your homes every Tuesday!

Bringing in the New Year

Anywho, it’s now time to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to the bright and beautiful 2021! I am so excited to see what this new year has in store for us all (I am hoping it will bring more MAS Epoxies’ workshops!) and I can’t wait to see the future epoxy trends and creations! Stay creative and happy New Year!